A downloadable game for Windows

Alice Lorange Adventures Season 2 is an episodic semi-linear story made in Twine, staring an autistic teenager. The direct sequel to Season 1. 

After her return to Earth, Alice Lorange must fight a hornet at her school. Then a strange rift takes her to another planet...


  • You can toogle fullscreen with the ENTER key.
  • Choice of fonts, text size and background colors in the Settings menu! You can change the language there too.


Also, if you post about it on social media, please use the #AliceLorangeAdventuresS2 hashtag. Thanks.


Alice Lorange Adventures Season 2.zip 104 MB

Install instructions

Download and dezip the compressed file with WinRAR or 7Zip

Click on the .exe file to launch the game

Development log